Friday, February 1, 2008

"All that we are is a Result of What we have thought"

"All that we are is a Result of What we have thought".
This is one of the finest Quotes which I have ever read. Quoted by "Gautama Buddha" (563 BCE-483) since one week this is running through my mind. It sounds like as if Buddha himself is telling it to me. Just look at the simplicity and the eternity in this All that we are a result of what we have thought which is very true.

For an instance if you are feeling dull or feeling low which is a result of the thoughts which came into your mind, all those thoughts have led to some action, which intern resulted into some other thoughts which you started thinking of and made you feel dull or low.

On the same lines if you are feeling happy it’s because you nurtured good thoughts which resulted to make you enjoy and feel happy about.

Since very long time we are listening or reading the story of an Eagle in the flock of Chickens, from the it started growing with the chickens it had a thought that it cant fly until it saw an eagle flying high in the sky, started thinking about I also can fly and the collection of the thoughts led him to visualize himself that he also can fly in the sky. These thoughts and visualization made him try to fly and finally it succeeded and started flying high and high in the sky...

Like the same eagle every one of us can fly as high as an eagle just by inducing right set of thoughts in our mind which should lead to the right set of action to achieve success in all aspects.

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